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Accepting Who You Are in Christ: Personal Growth & Spiritual Development

Christian women find acceptance in Christ's love

Discover how an impactful scene from an old movie led to a transformative journey of self-acceptance and finding peace by recognizing that God created each person uniquely and embracing oneself for who they truly are.

Stop Believing Lies About Yourself

Lies can be expressed by others and affect us greatly, but we can actually speak lies to ourselves, which harms us mostly. It ultimately cripples our productivity, our self esteem, our effect on the world, and hinders our lives from being used of God.

All of us face discouragement from time to time, but we can't let our thoughts stay "stuck in the mud" for long. We can't keep saying things to ourselves that God isn't saying about us. For one thing, this isn't honorable for a Christian women, and secondly, we can't bring glory to God if our thought life is dragging us down.

The Mind is a Mental Battlefield

Something that interferes with me having a satisfying life is this mental battle of accepting myself for the way God has created me, and accepting all of my life's circumstances that have molded my personality and shaped my intellectual abilities.

Because I know myself very well, I am aware of my mental hang-ups, social issues, and lack of scholarly intellect which causes me to steep low and compare myself to others. My thoughts "get down in the dumps" and I wallow in a self-pity and a deep sense of anguish rushes over me.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

When I start the downward spiral of comparing myself to others, I start to feel useless, hopeless, and unnecessary because I don't measure up. Can the Lord use me to minister to other people in this mental state? No. Can He use me in any capacity He wishes with exactly how He has made me and created me? Yes.

Anxiety and Hopelessness

I woke up one morning to thinking about the pharmacist in the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life." Do you remember that movie? It's an oldie, but a goodie. It was filmed in 1946. It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, but, I woke up thinking about one particular scene.

The scene in the movie is of James Stewart who plays the part of a man by the name of, "George Bailey." This man starts to consider ending his life because he feels worthless. When all of a sudden an angel named Gabriel, is sent from heaven to help George see what life would've been like had he never existed.

Our Unknown Impact on Other People

The following scenario from this movie should be embedded into our minds, so we never forget how much we mean to other people. One of the first things Gabriel shows George is what would've happened to the town pharmacist had George, who worked for the pharmacist, not intervened when he was a boy.

The 12 year old George had seen the pharmacist put the wrong medicine in a bottle for a sick boy, and George had intervened, stopping the incident from happening. The sick boy lived, and the pharmacist never went to prison.

I woke up to this movie scene of the pharmacist learning of the mistake he had done, and with grateful thanks realized George Bailey not only saved the life of the sick boy, but his life as well.

The Lord Hears Our Thoughts

As I pondered on this scene, and what it meant... I wondered if the Lord was trying to comfort me with this story? I believe He was. Isn't it neat how the Lord will speak to us in dreams? Maybe you have had experiences like this too? Where the Lord comforts you with a thought, dream, or vision during the night?

The Lord sees the hearts of those who love Him and hears their thoughts, even when we are speaking lies to ourselves, like I was speaking to myself on this one day.

We Will See Our Impact One Day

The Lord wanted me to realize something through this scene in the movie. "He created me, and is recording the events of my life, just like George Bailey's life in the movie, and I will see the effect my life has had on others one day."

This comforted me greatly and I felt loved and cherished by the Lord. He loves you too. In fact, the book of Jeremiah tells us that he has a future for us: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Hope for Our Future

He created us with a purpose, and we shouldn't lose sight of this. You might add, "Even with all of the things we don't like about ourselves?" Yes, especially with our weaknesses and areas of lack.

God created us with intention from the very beginning and continues to watch over us as we go about our days, helping us fulfill His purpose for our life.

Psalm 139 tells us God formed us and fashioned us according to wisdom, forming us in our mother's womb, and there is no where on earth or heaven above that we can go to escape His presence. He is everywhere, all the time, and always aware of us.

Would He be watching over us if we were worthless? Keeping track of all our days if we were nothing to Him? Counting the hairs on our head if we didn't matter? Would He have formed us and created us with such precision if our lives were meaningless?

The Lord Thinks Good Thoughts About Us

The Psalmist in 139 goes on to say, "How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!"

The Lord thinks such good thoughts about us all of the time. More than we could ever know.

Hope in God

One reason we go down a dark path in our thinking sometimes is because we are human. Even King David was found to be in despair in Psalm 43, but he cried out, "Hope in God!"

"Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." (Psalm 43:5 KJV)

In Psalm 43:3, David cries out, "Send out your light and your truth and let them lead me!"

God Does All Things Good

"I made the earth, I created the people who live in it. It was ME - my hands stretched out the sky, I give orders to all the heavenly lights." (Isaiah 45:12 NET)

"I am the Lord, who made everything," (Isaiah 44:24 NET).

If we live out the verses just mentioned and thoroughly BELIEVE God created the earth and the people in it, then we are already making a difference in the world because our believing spirit leaves a beautiful impression on others, whether they say so or not. Our lives are interwoven with so many people and we cannot begin to comprehend the impact our life has on others.

Accept Who You Are in Christ

Light is our understanding that God created us.

"I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: wonderful are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." (Psalm 139:14 KJV)

Sometimes, the lies we tell ourselves become big in our mind because we are looking for outward confirmation of our worth, but God's word says, to "HOPE" in Him. Not "HOPE in others."

"Hope in God!" King David cried. "Why so downcast Oh My Soul? Hope in God!"

People fail us and disappoint us all the time, but God's love never fails, and never disappoints.

Let Light And Truth Guide You All Your Days

Find your worth in the Lord, and you will find your peace with God. Not in what other people think of you or say about you, and don't trust what you say about yourself.

The angel Gabriel, sent from heaven in the movie, continued to show George Baily many meaningful events throughout his life until finally he was filled with gratitude and wanted to live. The movie ends with George hugging his wife around the Christmas tree and showing love to his children with many friends and family members who had come to wish him a Merry Christmas.

See Your Worth Through God's Eyes

George's heart embraced light and truth and he saw his worth through God's eyes.

See your worth today. Know that God loves you, created you, and he has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope. Let your light shine by way of believing in God and allow light and truth to guide you!

Express thanks to the Lord daily for He fashioned you for His good pleasure!


Let's Pray Together

Father in Heaven,

How precious are Your thoughts towards me, they are more than can be numbered! May I remember the good mercies and kindnesses You have shown me throughout my days! Please forgive me for thinking such horrible thoughts about myself. I am Your creation, and Your workmanship. Please continue to do a good work in my heart as I seek to please You in my conduct and behavior, and also in my thought life.

Let Your light and truth guide me all my days so I may find Your favor. Thank you for this dream that reminded me of Your watchful eye on my life. May anyone who reads this blog post be touched and blessed by Your spirit.

In Your precious name,



Blessings ~


The Founder

of My Sun & Shade Ministries

© My Sun & Shade Ministries

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Find New Life in Christ

The mission of My Sun & Shade Ministries is to encourage Christian women around the world to seek a new life in Christ. If this website has had an impact on your life, please consider supporting us. 

The Founder of an inspirational ministry to women_edited_edited.jpg

Angie is a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, and blogger. She is currently editing her 1st book to be released sometime this year. Follow her spiritual journey to attain God's highest purpose for her life, as she follows God's Biblical guide for Christian women.

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