The enemy of this world is out to destroy as many lives as possible. I am determined not to give him any stronghold in my life, and with the Bible as my source, I share with you a simple study of putting on the Armor of God so you can be equipped for your spiritual battles .
In this Blog Post:
The Shield of Faith
You Will Be Victorious
Fight Your Spiritual Battles with the Armor of God
Do you remember learning about the Armor of God in Sunday School?
The list of spiritual armor can be found in Ephesians Chapter 6 of the New Testament.
When the concepts of spiritual armor are applied to our hearts and minds, we are able to fight spiritual warfare and walk victoriously in Christ.
All of us come up against the sinful temptations of depression, bitterness, and hatred, on a daily basis.
These issues test our inner strength and war against our soul.
Sometimes they are hard to resist.
When you put on the Armor of God you will be able to recognize these issues for what they are: the wiles of the Devil.
You will be able to fight the enemy and win the battles of your mind and emotions.
Be vigilant and on guard against the enemies tactics.
Satan is ever seeking for his next victim.
Put on the Armor of God and resist Satan's attempts to overpower you.
And gain the ground back in spiritual victory!
1. The Belt of Truth
The Belt of Truth is a beautiful concept.
It is the first piece of spiritual armor listed in Ephesians chapter six.
When we wear a typical belt, it wraps around our waist and fastens together securely.
The belt gives strength and substance to our garment.
When my husband puts on his work belt, it not only fastens his clothing but it equips him for any task.
Any tool he might need is in his work belt.
The belt is equipped with pockets, hooks, and loops for him to conveniently store different pieces of equipment that he might require without delay.
If he wants to be successful, he won't start any home project without first putting on his work belt.
The same applies to the Belt of Truth.
You don't want to start your day without putting on the Belt of Truth first.
By doing this you will equip yourself with spiritual truth and understanding for anything that may come your way.
Your day will be more successful and efficient because you have put on the Belt of Truth.
This will happen when you spend time in the Word of God and receive what it says.
Let your heart open and hear the Word of God, and believe it to be true.
When the Belt of Truth is fastened securely around your spiritual being, you will have the ability to speak the truth, and walk in the truth, every day.
And the truth will set you free to be a Christian.
The Belt of Truth will give you confidence and freedom to walk as a "Child of Light."
2. The Breastplate of Righteousness
Do you remember learning right from wrong as a young child?
When I was little, I remember my mom told me not to touch the stove because it was hot.
Guess what? I touched the stove and it was hot.
But, I never touched the hot stove again.
Because I learned the right thing to do: not to touch a hot stove.
My appreciation for doing what was right became founded in reality.
This is an easy truth to remember: don't touch a hot stove, and you won't get burned.
Everyone can relate with that.
But, sometimes, not everyone appreciates doing what is right.
And you might feel burned by someone else, so to speak.
Have you ever been caught between two opinions?
You think something is wrong to do, but your friends don't think so?
Doing what is right might cost you some friendships.
Following the way of righteousness might mean you have to stand alone.
This is a hard thing to do at times.
Because most people don't like to be alone.
We as humans, want to feel acceptance from others all the time.
But, the Lord honors those who make a stand for righteousness.
Proverbs 21:3
To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
When you apply the Breastplate of Righteousness to your spirit, you are saying, "I love and appreciate doing what is right."
Meaning, "It means more to me to obey Scripture than to have many friends."
In time, you will find that following righteousness will bring you life, peace, and joy.
And it will bring new friends --
Friends who love what you love.
3. The Sword of the Spirit
When my daughter was 5 years old, I taught her how to memorize Psalm 100.
Within a couple of months, she could recite the entire chapter.
There were times at our church when different people would approach her and ask her to recite Psalm 100.
This never got old.
Everyone was so blessed by her enthusiasm and memory recall.
Now, she is a mother of two toddlers, and has recently begun to teach them how to memorize Psalm 100 too.
It is so precious to hear her little boys recite the chapter with their baby voice inflections.
There is no other way to acquire memory verses except by study and repetition.
When you memorize Scripture, you are hiding God's word in your heart, and strengthening the Sword of the Spirit in your life.
Did you know that memorizing Scripture has both spiritual and physical benefits?
Memorizing Scripture helps us not to sin against God, which defiles both our body and our spirit.
But memorizing Scripture also boosts the regenerative cell process in our brains and creates new brain cells.
This helps us prepare for spiritual battle and strengthens our memory recall.
We are blessed to have many Bible translations available to us today.
This makes it easy to find the language we prefer to put to memory.
You must hide God's word in your heart in order to recall it quickly.
Then, whenever the enemy comes in like a flood, you can stand up against him with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
So, start rehearsing memory verses!
4. The Shield of Faith
I was a child when I first confessed my belief in God.
This childlike faith bloomed into a mature love and appreciation for the Lord.
Faith is believing in something we can't see with our physical eyes.
Everything we can see with our eyes are temporal.
But everything in the Word of God is eternal.
Faith was birthed in Noah's heart to build an ark because God told him a flood was coming.
Faith in God gave Shadrach, Meschach, and Abendego boldness to walk into a fiery furnace, and not get burned.
Faith filled Daniel's heart with fearless strength to climb into a lion's den, and not get eaten by hungry lions.
When we apply the Shield of Faith to our spirit, we are standing on the promises of the prophets of old.
Faith enables us to seek a God, we cannot see.
It helps us search for a city, whose builder and maker is God.
Faith drives us to invest into an eternal reward system, that we can't even conceive of receiving.
The Shield of Faith will protect your hearts from doubt and unbelief.
And faith will help you enter into rest.
It will also help you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and you will not be afraid.
Having the Shield of Faith will give you boldness to press hard into your spiritual battles because you know God will have your back.
5. The Helmet of Salvation
New York has a law, that motorcyclists have to wear helmets.
Pennsylvania does not have this law.
We live on the border of New York and Pennsylvania.
Sometimes we will see a motorist drive by without a helmet on, and it will make me cringe.
The mom in me aches at the core very core of my being for that son of another mother.
Needless to say, I thank the Lord daily that we don't live in Pennsylvania.
At one point, my husband owned 3 motorcycles and my son owned 2.
So, you can understand my gratitude.
A helmet is designed to protect the head.
Inside the head is a delicate mass of material we call a brain 😊
And that brain controls our whole body.
We would not want anything to damage the control system of our body.
The same thing applies to our spirit.
We would not want anything to damage the control system of our heart.
Proverbs 4:23 says to, "Guard your hearts with all diligence, for out of it come the issues of life."
Our relationship with Christ starts at salvation and matures from there.
The Helmet of Salvation covers us upon receiving Christ as our Savior.
As it remains there, it protects our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
It creates a barrier from the enemy's tactics, traps, and advances.
Without the Helmet of Salvation, we are vulnerable to attack.
Stay on guard so you can be victorious in life.
6. Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel Peace
Finally friends, we must be equipped and ready to share the gospel at all times.
This is the Great Commission: go into the world and share the Good News of the Gospel of Peace.
Matthew 28:19-20 NIV
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
We share the Gospel of Peace through sermons, testimonies, and one-on-one contact.
This can be done in a local church, mission field, or in our home.
Even in the workplace.
Recently, I had opportunities to share the good things the Lord is doing in my life with my boss, coworker, and customers.
As I witness, seeds of faith are being spread.
Sometimes, I don't need to say anything, but my spirit does the talking.
One man walked into my office after I had taken a short break, where I read some Scripture, and he said, "Wow, it is really peaceful in here!"
What we do and how we act affect another person's spirit.
That is why it is important our feet are shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace.
Reflect upon the plan of salvation described in Romans 8 for a basis of your foundation.
And, be prepared to share the gospel in a moment's notice.
You Will Win Your Spiritual Battles
Do you want to be victorious in life and in your spiritual battles?
Grab ahold of the Word of God and make it your own.
Read it. Study it, and memorize it.
When you do, it will change all of the circumstances coming against you.
Because, then you will be able to stand, unwavering, until the day of Jesus Christ.
I hope you have enjoyed this simple, little study on putting on the armor of God.
If you have been blessed by this blog post, or have something to add, please feel free to leave a comment.
Many Blessings ~
The Founder of
My Sun & Shade Ministries
to Women, Children, Marriages, and Families